We develop guidelines to help all judicial officers and VCAT members maintain high standards of behaviour. We consider these guidelines when investigating complaints about conduct.

Making a Complaint Guideline
Under section 134(1)(d) of the Judicial Commission of Victoria Act 2016, the Commission can make guidelines about how you make a complaint.
Our Making a Complaint Guideline provides information about what we can and cannot investigate and explains the process for making a complaint, including what information you must provide us with your complaint.
Judicial Bullying Guideline
Our Judicial Bullying Guideline sets out what judicial bullying is, and the standards of behavior expected of judicial officers.
It may help you identify judicial bullying both in and out of the courtroom and explains how the Commission deals with these types of complaints.
Below is a video message from the Chair of the Commission, Chief Justice Ferguson and the Commission's statement about the publication of the Judicial Conduct Guideline on Judicial Bullying.
Sexual Harassment Guideline
Our Sexual Harassment Guideline defines sexual harassment and victimisation by judicial officers.
It applies to all judicial officers in the workplace and extends to other locations where they attend in their professional capacity.
It sets out the expectations of judicial officers where they witness or become aware of sexual harassment.
Award of Costs Guideline
Under section 112 of the Judicial Commission of Victoria Act 2016, the Commission can award costs to judicial officers and VCAT members in certain circumstances.
Our Award of Costs Guideline governs how we exercise that discretion when we receive a request for costs from a judicial officer or VCAT member. It sets out the matters we consider in deciding whether to make an award.
Guide to Judicial Conduct
The Commission has adopted the Council of Chief Justices of Australia and New Zealand ‘Guide to Judicial Conduct’ (the Guide) published by the Australasian Institute for Judicial Administration Incorporated.