Who can the Commission investigate? 

Your complaint must relate to one of the following Victorian judicial officers or VCAT members:

  • a judge of the Supreme Court or the County Court
  • a magistrate of the Magistrates’ Court or the Children’s Court
  • a coroner of the Coroners Court
  • a VCAT member
  • a judicial registrar of the Supreme Court, the County Court, the Magistrates’ Court, the Children’s Court or the Coroners Court

Who deals with complaints about federal judicial officers?


What type of complaints can the Commission Investigate? 

The Commission can investigate complaints about the conduct or capacity of judicial officers and VCAT members.  For example:

  • excessive delay in handing down a judgment
  • inappropriate remarks made in the courtroom
  • health issues which may affect the officer’s ability to perform their official functions
  • sexual harassment or bullying

The Commission can’t investigate certain matters including:

  • the correctness of a decision made by a judicial officer or VCAT member (if you wish to challenge the correctness of a decision you may wish to seek legal advice about whether you have rights of appeal or review)
  • persons who are no longer judicial officers or VCAT members
  • complaints which occurred at too remote a time
  • complaints which don’t relate to a judicial officer or VCAT member

For more information, please contact us on (03) 9084 9600 or enquiries@judicialcommission.vic.gov.au (External link)


How do I make a complaint? 

Before you submit your complaint

  1. Understand who we can and can't investigate (External link) and check if we’re the right agency in Victoria to complain to.
  2. Understand the kinds of outcomes the Commission can and cannot provide (External link).
  3. Be clear on who you are complaining about.
  4. Understand what happens to your complaint (External link) after it is lodged.

If you would like to enquire before making a formal complaint, please contact us on (03) 9084 9600 or enquiries@judicialcommission.vic.gov.au (External link)

Submitting your complaint

You can make a complaint to the Commission by completing the online complaint form. ​

The form can be accessed by clicking the button below:​​​​​​

Make a complaint​​​​​​

If you are visually impaired and wish to make a complaint or are having trouble accessing the online complaint form, please call us on 03 9084 9600.


What happens after the Commission receives my complaint?

You will receive written confirmation that the Commission has received your complaint.  The process the Commission will follow in considering your complaint is explained on the following pages: Complaint Process Explained and Complaint Process Diagram.

You will also receive written notification of the outcome of your complaint.


When can I make a complaint?

You can make a complaint at any time, however, the Commission must adjourn the investigation of your complaint until the proceeding has finished and the judgement or decision has been handed down unless:

  • the complaint relates to a delay in handing down a judgement or decision in the proceeding; or
  • given the seriousness of the matter and the urgency with which it must be dealt with the relevant head of jurisdiction agrees the Commission should investigate the complaint.

Can I make an anonymous complaint?

Complainants can remain anonymous during the course of any enquiry. No action is taken in relation to any alleged conduct during this phase. We don’t need your full name or the Officer’s details during the course of your enquiry, all we need is a first name and a way to contact you.

If, after receiving information about our process and options, you decide to make a formal complaint, we will require a name, however, the Commission will not disclose the name to the public. 


Can I appeal the Judicial Commission's decision? 

The Commission’s decision on a complaint is final, and there is no provision under the Judicial Commission of Victoria Act 2016 (Vic) for internal review or appeal of a decision. 

However, the Commission's decision has no bearing on your appeal rights in relation to the outcome of your court or tribunal matter. The appeals process exists externally to the Commission and varying time frames apply. If you wish to lodge an appeal of your decision, please seek legal advice or consult the relevant court or tribunal as soon as possible to ensure you are still eligible.


Support Services


Family violence or sexual assault

Women’s Legal Service Victoria

Centre Against Sexual Assault

1800 Respect

Kids Help Line


Housing assistance

Launch Housing

Aboriginal Housing Victoria

Frontyard Youth Services


Mental health services

Mental Health Complaints Commissioner

Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council

Independent Mental Health Advocacy

Head to Health

If you want to find services or help


Legal support

Women’s Legal Service Victoria

Victoria Legal Aid

National Association of Community Legal Centres

Self-Represented Litigant Coordinator (Supreme Court)

Justice Connect